Kazuhiro Kajihara




 大阪出身。幼少の頃よりピアノを、12歳からフルートを始める。東京藝術大学音楽学部附属高校、東京藝術大学を卒業後渡仏。フランス国立クレテイユ地方音楽院を満場一致最優秀の成績にて修了後、パリ・エコールノルマル音楽院にて研鑽を積む。マグナムトリオのメンバーとして世界各国での演奏、日本各地のオーケストラへの客演、現代音楽での初演、NHK大河ドラマをはじめさまざまなレコーディングへの参加など、その演奏活動は多岐にわたる。マグナムトリオ、spac-e、Futur Noh、各メンバー。Todays Concert共同創設者。ドルチェ東京ミュージックアカデミー講師。これまでに長山慶子、金昌国、萩原貴子、神田寛明、中野富雄、ジョルジュ・アリオル、アラン・メナール、トマ・プレヴォーの各氏に師事。

Kazuhiro Kajihara

Kazuhiro KAJIHARA is a Japanese flutist based in Tokyo. Born in Osaka, he was admitted to the High School of Tokyo University of Arts (Geikou) with Chang-Kook Kim, and started his career as a flutist at the age of 15. After graduating from the Tokyo University of the Arts (Geidai) (Bachelor of Music), he studied in Paris at the Conservatoire à Rayonnement Départemental (CRD) de Créteil with professor Georges Alirol and Alain Ménard  (mention très bien à l’unanimité), and at the École Normale de Musique at Paris with professor Thomas Prévost. In 2006, he started  ‘Magnum Trio’, a super original flute ensemble, with Jun-ichiro Taku and Yuya Kanda, which has done many concerts around the world until now. Also, he has a great passion for contemporary music, created some groups including ‘ensemble kats’, and ‘spac-e’. In 2016, he played as a soloist of flute concerto ’Aile du Songe’ of Kaiya Saariaho at Suntory Summer Festival in Tokyo. He often plays some pieces of Brian Ferneyhou, Kaiya Saariaho, Ko Sahara, and composer’s new pieces. He plays frequently in Tokyo City Philharmonic Orchestra, Osaka Philharmonic Orchestra, Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra and other orchestras in Japan.